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IBC and LPMA joint survey

Dear IBC Member, 

We are very proud to be working with our colleagues at the LPMA on an important project looking at workplace culture at the Bar. The project is launching today with a survey which we hope will be completed by everyone who is employed in a chambers or other organisation working in a role providing support to barristers. This is the link to the survey – please circulate within your chambers and encourage your colleagues to share it with their peers:  

The survey is open for four weeks. All responses will be received by Conduct Change – the independent research consultant commissioned by LPMA/IBC – and are anonymous. All responses will be treated in strict confidence. 

If you have any questions, please contact

We have included below a statement from the Chair of the Bar endorsing our project. Thank you in advance for your support on this important research. 

Best wishes 

Geoff Carr and Lucy Burrows


Nick Vineall KC, Chair of the Bar

LPMA/IBC workplace culture survey

Workplace culture impacts the working lives of everyone at the Bar – barristers, clerks, and all chambers professionals. We know from previous Barristers’ Working Lives surveys that wellbeing, retention and progression of barristers are all affected by the way we are treated by colleagues. And if that’s true for barristers, it is likely to be true for chambers professionals too.

The results of the Working Lives surveys have driven much of the work at the Bar Council to address the issues that affect workplace culture. Having a deeper understanding of the concerns of our members has helped to shape the Bar Council’s training and resources on bullying, harassment, discrimination and inappropriate behaviours.

The Bar Council therefore welcomes this new initiative, led by the LPMA and IBC, to carry out a similar survey for their members and for the wider clerking and chambers community.

Please share the survey and encourage everyone who works in chambers (apart from barristers) to complete it. As we have found with Barristers’ Working Lives, the more responses, the richer the analysis and the more the Bar’s representative bodies can do to support individuals.