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Membership levels

Select level right for you

IBC offers the following levels of membership, depending on your number of years of experience:

Senior Clerks/Senior Management: £135

Over 8 years experience Clerks/Practice Managers/Administrators: £65

Under 8 years experience Clerks/Practice Managers/Administrators: £25

International Associate: £75

Note that all memberships are renewed annually on 28th of January.

First you need to register as a pending member. All new members need individual approval by the Management Committee before they can become a full member (the Management Committee meetings are generally the second Thursday of each month). We will check your application and if it meets the criteria for membership you will get email confirming that you have been approved and an explanation of how to upgrade from pending to full, approved member.


You may select only one level from this group.

Level Price  
Pending Individual Member Free.
Membership expires on January 31, 2026.