Dear Senior Clerk,
King’s Counsel Appointments 2025
Ede & Ravenscroft is the only company to offer a comprehensive service to new Silks. We provide a blend of hire and bespoke items, with most of the latter still hand-cut and hand-made in our central London specialist workshops. In addition to bespoke sleeved waistcoats, we also offer a made-to-order service for this specific garment.
KC consultation
Ede & Ravenscroft offers a one hour appointment for all new Silks, during which our team will provide a detailed assessment of the appropriate garments for both ceremonial and working purposes.
Appointments are taken from the day that the announcement is made, and they are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis.
To arrange an appointment please email the following address: legalspecialistenquiry@edeandravenscroft.com
Loan whilst we make service
As the period between the announcement and your ceremony is short and busy, Ede & Ravenscroft is able to loan garments whilst we carefully handcraft bespoke KC court coat & waistcoats and KC sleeved waistcoats.
We look forward to being of service to you and your successful counsel again this year.
Andrew Foustanos
Ede & Ravenscroft Ltd