Table setting in a restaurant at night

A message from the leader of the South East Circuit, Leon Kazakos KC

Dear Clerking teams,

Thanks to those of you who take the time to contact me about listing difficulties. One of the problems that has been identified by you is Snaresbrook’s policy that all CVP requests be put in 48 hours in advance. Plainly with short notice listings this is impossible and causes unnecessary work for clerking teams across the Circuit. I have raised this with the resident Judge and hope that the problem will now be solved. As always, there is a need for understanding and cooperation on both sides. Snaresbrook Crown Court is keen to ensure that there is a cooperative and constructive approach to listing, given the current pressures on clerks, list officers, Judges and advocates. To assist the list office in processing requests, if you are asking for CVP attendance for a barrister could you please in any request for CVP set out – shortly – answers to the following questions:

  1. What is the name and T number of the case?
  2. Are you prosecuting or defending?
  3. Is this the Court’s listing of a case or have the parties asked for the listing?
  4. Can the Court make progress if Counsel attends via CVP or is it better to re-list on another date?
  5. Should the defendant still attend in person/be produced from prison?   

I know that many, if not all, clerks rooms will include this information already, but ask that it is done in this format uniformly. I hope that this will see a faster granting of CVP when CVP is necessary and permitted by Snaresbrook’s listing policy.

The list officer is keen to meet members of the clerking teams, remotely to make things less disruptive for everyone. Could you please let Aaron ( know if you would like to take the opportunity to build a constructive relationship as Snaresbrook works to improve its functions, and I will do the necessary organising.

If you need my help on anything else, please don’t hesitate to email me.

Best wishes
