BSB Supervision and What to Expect from a Supervision Visit
Many clerks will no doubt be aware of the BSB’s new risk-based approach to supervision; all Chambers were required to complete an Impact Audit Survey in May 2014 and some were then asked to complete a Supervision Return by September 2014. An even smaller number of Chambers were involved in a programme of pilot visits during the course of 2014.

This session will be run by the BSB’s Supervision Department and will seek to explain all of the above processes and what supervision will mean in practice for Chambers and clerks. The session will cover the following:

  • An overview of risk-based supervision
  • An explanation of next steps following the Supervision Return process
  • Discussion of the pilot visit programme
  • Pointers on what to expect if your chambers is involved in a supervision visit
  • Common themes from early supervision that Chambers should consider and address.

Authorisation of Entities
Previously, the BSB only regulated barristers and their chambers, sole practitioners and employed barristers. 

In November 2014 the Legal Services Board approved our application to widen our regulator regime to include organisations owned and managed by barristers and other lawyers.

Since 5 January 2015, we have been accepting applications for assessment from prospective entities through our online portal.  Authorisation decisions will be made from April 2015.

The session will cover:

  • Overview of the policy objectives including discussion about the types of entity the BSB will regulate
  • Description of the application and authorisation processes
  • Explanation of what can be expected post-authorisation
  • Next steps for the BSB’s regulatory regime
  • Facts and figures on the numbers of applications received, the type of entity applying for authorisation and examples of queries.

It is intended that each presentation will take approx. 20 minutes.  Following the presentations there will be ample time for questions and discussion.

BSB Supervision and Authorisation of Entities Seminar
Wednesday 25 February 2015, at 5:30pm
Dean’s Court Chambers, Manchester
Free for members of the IBC and £30 for non-members.

If you wish to attend and you are a member of the IBC, please email the Events and Administration Co-ordinator, Natasha White-Foy: .

If you are not a member of the IBC and you wish to attend, please send a cheque for £30 per person, made payable to the IBC, to:
Natasha White-Foy
The Institute of Barristers’ Clerks
289-293 High Holborn, London WC1V 7HZ, DX: 240 LDE.